Anna Laird Crosswell

Anna Laird Crosswell's Fundraiser

Excellent teaching for every student image

Excellent teaching for every student

Join me in closing the education opportunity gap, please give today.


$4,475 towards $5,000

As a rising senior at UNC Chapel Hill, I have come to realize the importance of my teachers in my educational journey. From the passion exhibited by my high school Spanish and Science teachers, who inspired me to study these topics further in college, to the remarkable ability of my college biology professor to connect with every student in a two hundred person lecture, I've witnessed the influence a teacher's engagement can have on a student's approach to learning. When I came across Teaching Matters and learned more about their mission, I recognized how fortunate I am to have received the quality education I did where my teachers went above and beyond to nurture my curiosity and instill a love for learning. I became aware that not all students have access to the same level of quality education. This recognition inspired me to apply to have the opportunity to raise awareness and support for Teaching Matters’ work by running for them in the 2024 New York Marathon.

Teaching Matters is dedicated to increasing teacher effectiveness and closing the opportunity gap of a radically unequal education system. Help us ensure that all children, especially those from under-served and historically marginalized communities, have equitable access to excellent teaching, regardless of zip code.

Every donation counts in the pursuit of educational equity.